The Noblest Feat


作者:Zheng Jian, Dora Li;編譯:Ariel Tian,Alice Chen











11 評論

Je souhaite que tout les gens du monde entier puisse lire cette histoire les gens s’eveillerais le monde changerais ça serais le Paradis sur terre. MERCI

Micheline Lussier 1月 24, 2024

Forgiveness is the answer; if you cannot forgive others, then how can you ask for forgiveness for yourself?

Barbara Gay 1月 23, 2024

I’m not a child or a teenager but I do enjoy your stories a lot it reminded me when I was a child reading a good story book very interesting I look forward to read a lot more thanks much

Christine 7月 15, 2023

This is very thought provoking and interesting. I feel like I am like the first son. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Patrick T 12月 26, 2021

This was amazing story.

pradnya 11月 27, 2021

I enjoyed this story. I believe the moral of the story is be kind to those that are not kind to you. forgiveness is so important. And we overcome evil by doing good. Love never fails.

Paulette B Arnold 11月 27, 2021

I am So Mesmerized by You Alls Culture, Sayings and Beliefs that it Truly Touches My Heart, Body and Soul when I read such Words of Life… Thank You 🙏

Rodriguez F Mack 11月 27, 2021

Thank you for this wonderful story.
With your permission may I share this with my children and on my facebook?

Happy thanksgiving

teri v nguyen 11月 27, 2021

What a beautiful lesson n profound wisdom; I will remember that what is natural in my personality to do is not a great feat, it is just in my nature!!!!

Mauri 11月 27, 2021

Beautiful story. Very inspiring!

Arthur 11月 27, 2021

Wonderful story. I thought all the sons responded well but the last son took it further : do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

PS. I saw the mug and would like to purchase one. Tell me how. Thank you

Sally 11月 27, 2021


