作者 Laura Hatton,Evan Mantyk;編譯 Ariel Tian

宋代書法家米黻(Mǐ Fú)書寫的《木蘭詩》。

《木蘭從軍》的故事在中國的歷史長河中,被歷朝歷代的藝術家以不同的形式演繹。《隋唐演義》以及明代文學家徐渭的《雌木蘭替父從軍》中,都有對木蘭形象的生動刻畫。各種傳統戲劇,包括歌仔戲、京劇、龍江劇 、評劇、秦腔、豫劇、越劇,也都講述過木蘭的傳說:北魏遷都洛陽後受北方遊牧民族侵犯,朝廷徵召每戶一名男子上戰場,木蘭考量父親年紀已大,弟弟尚幼,於是女扮男裝替父從軍,十二年後功成不居返家孝親。
神韻藝術品的Evan Mantyk,用富有詩歌韻律的英文翻譯了木蘭詩全文,希望木蘭的傳奇能跨越民族和語言,讓這份流傳千古的勇氣與赤誠,被歷史與文化銘記。
While weaving near the door—
No sound of spinning loom that flies
Just Mulan feeling poor.
What boy is in her heart.
She says, “There’s none I think about,
There’s no boy in my heart.
Of those the Khan has picked.
On all twelve draft lists that exist
My father’s name is ticked.
Who can to battle race.
Once buying horse and saddle are done,
I’ll take my father’s place.”
A bridle in the South,
A saddle blanket in the West,
A long whip in the North.
No sounds of their familiar yell,
Just Yellow River flow.
At dusk, Black Mountains soar;
No sound of parents calling daughter,
Just wild horsemen’s roar.
Through mountain passes flying.
The sentry’s gong on cold wind blows;
Her iron armor’s shining.
In ten years, heroes surface
To meet the Emperor on high
Enthroned in splendid palace.
Gives thousands of rewards.
The Khan asks Mulan what she needs.
“No titles fit for lords,”
And ride home I prefer.”
Her parents, hearing of this deed,
Rush out to welcome her.
She dresses, waits, and looks.
When younger brother hears the news,
The swine and sheep he cooks.
And sit upon my chair.
My wartime uniform is shaken;
My old time dress I wear.”
Fixing cloudlike hair,
And turns then to the mirror, hooking
Yellow flowers there.
Who’d by her side once fought.
For twelve years Mulan was a man,
Or so they all had thought!
And female hares look muddled,
But when they run at a good clip,
How can’t one get befuddled?